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Brand Identity Update

September 09, 2021 1 min read

Dorsu Kampot River

(Photo: Nataly Lee)

A wise person once said, identity is forged through struggle. And while we didn't need to struggle too hard to arrive at our updated branding, the process forced solid reflection on who we are and where we want to go as an organization.

And we're so much better for it.

Working with Phnom Penh-based designer Nataly Lee of Saat Studio, we felt in safe hands to explore. Being new yet old, local yet global, and navigating a world that feels both familiar yet entirely complex and foreign. Nat's Australian-Cambodian roots helped us feel like we were among kindred on this journey.

We brought lots of ideas and experiences to the table, and Nataly helped us hone in on what's most meaningful right now. A recommitment to our values, and especially the belief that no business can call itself sustainable if it isn't also ethical. We wanted to honor the past of where the company and team have been, and also the possibilities for our collective future. As opaque as that may seem at times.

Inspired by the language of waves and the evolving rhythms of life, our new brandmark is a nod to the places we've been, the places we'll be going, and the things that bind us together.

Whether you see a simple piece of thread, the mountainous Kampot countryside, or even the river of your hometown, it's all valid. Your unique perspective is what matters most, and we're so grateful to have you on this journey with us.